Easy dinner. With hard to get farm fresh eggs.

There are so many interesting patterns in a human nature. Let's take a closer look at this one: the greater the effort or risk it takes to acquire something we desire, the greater the value we tend to assign to the object of our desire.

scrambled eggs with sour cream
Farm fresh eggs

Things we invest more money, time and/or energy into. Bring to your mind marketing messages - "hard to get", "ends soon", "limited quantity". They all designed to deliver a message there is a great value offered. And those messages do string a chord somewhere inside our human soul. 

For me, it is farm fresh eggs. Yes, those eggs are really hard to get at Drumlin farm. In the last 4 years my family goes there, I was able to get my hands on the eggs 3 times only.  Only 3.

What is so special about those eggs? Since they are so hard to get, my mind immediately assigns them almost magic properties. But, trust me, those eggs are the best. They are super fresh. They come in different sizes and colors. They come from pastured egg mobile - the chickens eat live worms and insects and spend their time under the sun. So the eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals and omega oils.

The taste is incredible. I like to use fresh farm eggs for omelets, eggs sunny side and mayonnaise. My kids love scrambled eggs.  I add sour cream or yogurt to create silky, custard like texture. I prefer fermented dairy to regular milk that usually used.

Scrambled eggs made with yogurt


2 eggs
sea salt, pinch
whole milk yogurt, 2 tablespoons (or sour cream)
butter, for cooking
parmesan cheese, grated, 1 tablespoon (optional)


Break the eggs into bowl. Add salt, yogurt and whisk.

Eggs whisked with yogurt
Preheat the pan on medium heat for a couple of minutes. Add butter to cover the pan. Add the egg mixture. Spead parmesan on top, if using. Cook for 2 minutes and flip. It is fine to flip separate pieces - easier for the kids to eat. Cook till it is not runny or to your liking.

Omelet served
Serve warm.


  1. http://www.chip-infarm.com/ in bedford, ma has fresh eggs and they always have them. They are not organic certified.
