Making popcorn together.

It was a celebration when my grandmother popped popcorn for me. It was long before microwaves made their way to the modern kitchens.

healthy snack for children
Popcorn from scratch

It was a magic ritual. She got this strange looking corn dried on the cob  from the market and popped it for me. With me! The sounds it made - tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! The special attention I got. Priceless. 

Invite your child to join you in making popcorn. Explain everything - to stay away from heat, to listed to the sounds, to pay attention to the interval between the sounds. Invite him/her to examine the size of popcorn before and after popping. Bring their attention to few grains that won't pop - make sure they don't eat it. This whole popping ritual is an adventure.

Popcorn from scratch


popcorn, 1/4 - 1/3 cup  (preferable organic, since corn is usually heavily sprayed)
coconut oil, 1/2 tablespoon (or other heat resistant oil of your choice)
sea salt, optional
seasoning of your choice, optional


In large pot heat the oil on medium heat for about 1 minute. Add popcorn. Lower the heat to medium low. Stir or shake the pot to cover the grains in oil. Close the lid and wait together. One pop, few more, an artillery... And here is continues. When the interval between the pops starts to get longer and longer, remove the pot from heating element completely. Wait few seconds for it to stop. Transfer to serving bowl. Season, mix and enjoy. 


  1. I have an old-style popper with a rotating handle to keep the corn moving. You just gave me an idea to try it with my daughter! She will love the interaction. Thanks!
